Ideas and resources to help you relax, be more mindful, and live a more joyful and satisfying life.
A Simple Way to Increase Focus and Lower Stress
Distraction comes at a price. Here’s a simple but powerful way to overcome it.
Quick Stress Release (with music)
A simple and quick way to release stress and regain a sense of calm
Quick Stress Release (without music)
A simple and quick way to lower stress and regain a sense of calm
Beyond the Breath: The Power of Compassion for Healing and Growth
Creative mindfulness-based techniques that prioritize self-compassion can free us from painful and self-defeating patterns and help us to live with greater ease and vitality.
Ratio Breathing (with music)
A simple and effective method for shifting from anxious to calm
Ratio Breathing (no music)
A simple and effective method for shifting from anxious to calm
Learning to Stay: The Hidden Costs of Distraction
Distraction can be a relief. It can also keep us from feeling fully alive.
A Simple and Powerful Technique for Better Listening
Want to strengthen your listening skills? Here’s a simple but powerful tool.
Body Scan (with music)
A guided relaxation technique to bring awareness and relaxation to the body and quiet the mind. Music by Deuter.
How to Bring Mindfulness into Everyday Life
Mindfulness is more than meditation. Here are simple and powerful ways to live more mindfully, lower stress, and be more present in relationships.